Choice Selectors

In the Designer workspace, you can configure a Choice Selectors to be a:

  • Radio Buttons Group
  • or a Dropdown

The Choice Selector option items go in another Group (its Elements are the options). That options Group can be reused for many Choice Selectors.

Default Selection

Choice Selectors can be empty or pre-selected by default.

Options for a default selection

Alternative for Multi-Selection

As multi-selection is not possible with Choice Selectors, an alternative could be a Group with Checkboxes.

Alternative Multi-Selection Component

Chained Choice Selectors

The options Group can be dynamically changed based on the selection of another Choice Group. For this, the chained Choice Selectors need to live in the same Group.


Lastly, Choice Selectors can be used in Formulas.

Next Buttons  ️⇾